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Troop Handbook

Here is a our handbook we use as a guide in our troop.




Here is a contemplation of helpful information for the parents of our troop.

Medical Forms (for Scouts/Parents)
Permission Slips (for Scouts/Parents)
Expense Forms
Life to Eagle Scout (for Parents)
Events System (for Adults)



Here is a contemplation of helpful information for the adult leaders of our troop.

Leading Ceremonies Guides
Leader Training
Leader Training Course Sequence
  1. Fast Start Training (available on-line) – As the first step on the training continuum, Fast Start Training is meant to provide all the information and resources for new leaders to conduct their first meeting, along with guidance for the meetings that follow.
  2. Youth Protection Training (available on-line)
  3. New Leader Essentials – As the first section of Basic Leader Training, New Leader Essentials is a 90-minute introductory session that highlights the values, aims, history, funding, and methods of Scouting and provides new leaders with a look at the resources available to them. New Leader Essentials often is offered as the first part of Leader Specific Training.
    1. Scoutmaster/ASM Specific – Specialized knowledge for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters in basic troop operations.
    2. Troop Committee Challenge (available on-line)A course that discusses each role in the committee and how they work together to support the youth.After committee members complete this step, they may wear the trained patch.
  4. Outdoor Leader Skills – Required outdoor training for Scoutmasters and ASMs. The skills required for the Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks.On completion of this step, Scoutmasters and ASMs may wear the trained patch.
Instruction Materials
Life to Eagle Scout (for Coaches/Advisors)
Events System (for Administrators)