University of Scouting


8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Bookings closed


Santa Clara High School
3000 Benton St., Santa Clara, CA, 95051

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Each year, the council conducts a supplemental adult training event called the University of Scouting (UoS). This year’s theme is “Finding Your Direction”. Our event date is Saturday, March 2, 2019. The schedule for the day goes like this: registration and refreshments start at 7:30 AM, opening flag ceremony and welcome at 8:30am, and then a series of six 50 minute sessions on special interest topics (See the link for Course Descriptions) which run all day.

Here are a few examples:

If you are a Cubmaster, Den Leader or work with Cub-Aged Youth, you’ll find suggestions on where to take your Cubs outdoors, fun ways to spice up meetings and ceremonies, Woodworking with Cubs, crafts, and much more.

For Boy Scout leaders, we have ways for Helping Your Scouts Advance, and creating orienteering courses.  Your advancement chair will find information on Conducting Boards of Review, Advancement information for Scouts with disabilities, and how to review Eagle Projects. Camping chairs will get Lightweight Backpacking, Snow Camping, and High Adventure Trip Planning.

Our Venturing program continues to grow. We have Goal Setting and Time Management (for youth), Project Management (for youth), High Adventure Planning for Crews, and Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews(for youth).  Bring your whole crew!

General Ed topics include Watching the Night sky, Nurturing Nature, International Scouting, Accommodating Scouts who are Different, Introduction to Sea Scouts, and STEM for all levels of Scouts.

We will also have a fantastic Midway (like a trade show for Scouters!), featuring Council groups from Training, BSA Camps, the Order of the Arrow, and many vendors who offer services and products that can add great value to your Scouting program.

Lunch and a patch are included with your registration.

Registration is done on-line at Each year, the council conducts a supplemental adult training event called the University of Scouting (UoS). This year’s theme is “Finding Your Direction”. Our event date is Saturday, March 2, 2019. The schedule for the day goes like this: registration and refreshments start at 7:30 AM, opening flag ceremony and welcome at 8:30am, and then a series of six 50 minute sessions on special interest topics (See the link for Course Descriptions) which run all day.

However, register here as well for tracking purposes.

Fees reimbursed by the troop for Active Parents and Leaders.


Bookings are currently closed for this event. Please contact the event manager if you have any questions.