Stanford Concession Manual page 19&20 map location Sunken Diamond.
Depart Sunday NOV 18th from P.O.P. (Time 2:20PM) or be at Sunken Diamond field by (3 PM).
Need 5-6 workers covering 4 POS. Minimum 2-4 Parents to cover POS & carpool, and/or +15.5 Yrs old to help cover POS the rest +14 yrs to cover prep. My guess 5-7 hours?
When asked to help cover 1-2 non-football events insures we get football stand each year.
Carpools leave Prince of Peace and head to Parking Structure (PS7) Knight Management Bldg.
Dress Code: No open toe shoes, solid white top and solid dark shorts or pants.
Scout needs to be +14.5 and confirmed by the Group Leader for OK to work.
Can Contact us at:
Himanshu Patel, 408-297-0505
James Metcalf,, 408-219-3952
Bookings are currently closed for this event. Please contact the event manager if you have any questions.