Have Fun Earning the Stamp Collecting Merit Badge
There is a workshop coming up soon:
Sat. Oct 12th at Presbyterian Church of Los Gatos AND Sat Nov 9th Filatelic Fiesta Stamp Show
Discover the fun of stamp collecting. Explore the USA or the country of your family heritage by collecting its stamps. Expand your knowledge in a topic like your favorite sport or interest in cars, animals, or art by collecting stamps about it. The merit badge workshop costs $15 which
covers the costs for a stamp collecting starter kit and access to a huge hoard of stamps to pick from to build your first collection. There are
stamps from nearly every country and wide array of topics. Pick from the largest assortment of stamps of any stamp collecting merit badge
program. All stamps needed for your collection are provided. Plus, you’ll receive a guided tour of the show.
Yes, you need to attend both sessions. We’ll cover a lot of requirements on 10/12, and you’ll get to pick out stamps for your collection. At the
Filatelic Fiesta Stamp Show on Nov 9th, we’ll sign-off your collection and tour the show.
Brian Jones at sanjosestampclub@gmail.com for more details and to register for the workshop. Space is very limited, so sign-up quick to save your spot!
When & Where:
Saturday Oct. 12th: 10:30am in the Social Hall of the Presbyterian Church of Los Gatos 16575 Shannon Road, Los Gatos. Arrive at 10:15 as the program gets started promptly at 10:30am
We will go through most of the requirements and you get to pick out the stamps for your collection. Pick out 100 stamps from a country of your choice or 75 stamps on a topic interesting to you. Filatelic Fiesta Stamp Show on November 9th at 1:00pm. We will tour the show and sign off your collection. The time in between gives you time to organize your stamps into a collection. Parents are encouraged to stay and listen in on the program, visit the show and view the exhibits.
The merit badge workshop costs $15*. This covers the cost of a stamp collecting starter kit each Scout takes home which includes the tongs, hinges, mounts, stock pages and album pages. The kit also includes a special packet of stamps the merit badge. There are over 350,000 stamps to pick from to build your stamp collection on a wide variety of topics and around the world. If you know ahead of time what you want to collect, let me know so I can let you know if I have that in stock and be certain to bring those stamps.
Bring the following:
- Merit Badge blue card signed by your Troop Scoutmaster.
- Bring a brown bag lunch (there is no food available on-site), snacks and drink.
- Homework: Your completed assigned homework.
- Wear your class A uniform shirt to both sessions. This is required, don’t forget.
- Will I be able to complete the merit badge?
- All merit badge requirements are covered between the homework and workshop.
- Yes, it is requiredto attend both sessions.
- Most Scouts go home with a signed-off blue card if they did the homework and paid attention.
- Scouts are welcome to stay longer if needed. If a Scout doesn’t finish, contact Brian Jones about opportunities to finish up at a later date.
- There are also opportunities to continue collecting after completion of the merit badge.
Participation is limited to youth registered in Scouting BSA.
Payment information will be provided when a registration request is made.
Send registration form to Brian Jones at sanjosestampclub@gmail.com with the following:
- Name, Rank, Troop number.
- Home address & phone number, parent email address & parent cell phone.
- Please include a note about your stamp collecting experience (none needed).
- If your scout has a special need, it is required to let me know. It will be handled with discretion.
For More Information:
- For more information about Filatelic Fiesta see: http://www.filatelicfiesta.org
- For more information about the merit badge program see: http://sanjosesc.com
- Questions and Registration: Brian Jones, Assistant Scoutmaster: sanjosestampclub@gmail.com
- *If the $15 fee is a financial burden, scholarships are available. Just ask, that’s all.