The Powder Horn course is designed to introduce and expose Venturing and Boy Scouting adult leaders and Venturing participants (14-20) and Scouts BSA high adventure youth (14-17) to the activities and resources necessary to operate a successful outdoor/high adventure unit-level program. It is based on the 8 core and 18 electives found in the Venturing Ranger program. It is intended to help adult leaders get out of the box in finding and using resources and in the way they lead their unit-level high adventure programs. The purpose of Powder Horn is introduce participants to requirements in a high adventure activity as well as to provide contacts with professionals that can assist in putting an event for your crew or troop. For completing the course, you will be awarded the Powder Horn pin which is worn on your uniform left pocket.
- Be a registered BSA adult in a Venturing or a Scouts BSA unit.;
- Submit current BSA medical forms A, B & C
- Take appropriate on-line training for activities including Youth Protection, Hazardous Weather, Climb On Safely, Safety Afloat and Safe Swim Defense, valid for the course.
- Have your council Scout Executive approval
Bookings are currently closed for this event. Please contact the event manager if you have any questions.