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Its Race Day!!
Pit Row (3)
- prepare the cars to go out to the next race,
- Receive the cars coming back in from the prior race
- Hand out the cars to the current race
Starting Line
- Assist Cubscouts to put their cars on in the correct order and properly on the track
Finish Line
- Help with retrieving the cars from the track
Master of Ceremonies
- Someone to announce the races, results call for missing drivers etc.
- Announce awards
- Hand out awards
All positions can rotate for anyone that wants to do multiple positions.
We have two races
- Lions and Tigers from 9:00am to 12:00
- Wolves,Bears and Webelos 12:30 – 3:30
Snacks and Drinks will be provided.
Service hours apply.
And yes of course there is clean up afterwards. Any and all help is requested.
Bookings are currently closed for this event. Please contact the event manager if you have any questions.