Loaves & Fishes Sandwich Making


7:00 PM - 8:00 PM


Bookings closed

Event Type

Troop Meeting  + Sandwich making for Loaves & Fishes

We have another great service opportunity on Tue April 13th to help make meal bags for Loaves & Fishes to distribute to those in need in our community. As you may recall, we did a similar service last year and this time, it will be much the same. This year, instead of having a speaker to start us off, I thought it would be a good opportunity for each of the patrols to do a bit of research in advance and share during the start of the meeting about homelessness in our community. So that we don’t all talk about the same thing, I’m assigning a different topic to each patrol. Patrol leader, please work with your patrol to come up with a 3-5 minute presentation:


TOPICS to prepare in advance by Patrols:

  • A look into the day and life of a homeless person (Flaming Eagles)
  • How does someone become homeless? Real life examples? (Basilisks)
  • What are some things our County is doing about homelessness? (Golden Eagles)
  • What other volunteer opportunities are there in our community to help the homeless? Suggestions for Troop 325? (Duct Tape)
  • What are some steps a homeless person need to take to get off the streets? (Thunderbirds)


Contents in each meal bag:

– Brown bag

– Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich (no meats because no refrigeration)

– bottle water/juice box

– side (chips, granola bar, piece of fruit)

– anything else you would like to add (a nice note)


What you need to do to prepare (same instructions as last year):

  1. Email me directly whether you and your family will participate.  We want to provide Loaves and Fishes with a count of how many meals will be delivered. It would be nice if each family can commit to 20 meals. If you can do more or less just let me know.
  2. Go to the market and buy the ingredients you need to make the 20 minimum meals (more or less is ok too)
  3. MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS from Loaves and Fishes:

– Need to wear face mask and food prep gloves when making sandwiches

– Need to wash hands before putting on gloves

– Do not participate if sick

– Sanitize table/counter/utensils/plates you will be working on

  1. Please make sure your parent can drop off your completed meals after the meeting or at the latest the next morning by 8am so we can arrange to deliver to Loaves and Fishes (address: 4634 Catalina Drive, San Jose, 95129)


Please reply to me directly if you can participate and how many meals you can commit to. Make sure to prepare the items above by Tuesday April 13th.


Bookings are currently closed for this event. Please contact the event manager if you have any questions.