Indian Lore


03/22/2019 - 03/24/2019    
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Bookings closed


Corralitos Padre Hall
35 Browns Valley Rd, Corralitos, ca, 95076
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Come join us for Indian Lore Merit Badge weekend on Mar 22-24th. All Scouts BSA members are welcome to come and learn about American Indian traditions and earn the Indian Lore merit badge at a fun weekend camp-out!

Register for the event at

All Scouts are welcome to come and learn about American Indian traditions and earn a merit badge. This is a weekend camp-out event where you will experience:
1) Indian Drumming
2) Indian Dancing
3) Indian Pow Wow
4) Indian Singing
5) Indian Regalia Construction making
6) Indian Bead Work
7) Making Indian Fry Bread
When: Fri Mar 22 – Sun Mar 24 2019
Where: Corralitos Padre Hall
35 Browns Valley Rd, Corralitos, CA 95076
Time: Friday 5:00pm to Sunday 12:00pm
Cost: $30.00
Bring: Change of Clothing, Sleeping Bag, Tent, Etc. (All Scouts will be sleeping outside.) 
Most of the event will take place indoors but the scouts will be drumming, dancing and performing Indian ceremonies outdoors. Please bring warm clothes for the outdoors including rain gear and camping equipment for the evening (tent, sleeping bag, flashlight, etc). During the weekend you will receive a Friday night snack, three meals on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. Eating utensils included. Cap of first 50 participants.
The Order of the Arrow will provide 2 trained adult leaders to supervise the event.
Arrowmen: If you want you can come for the day just to hang out and work on some Indian outfits, attend some Indian drumming, fry some Indian Fry Bread and attend the Indian Pow Wow. The cost to come for the day $10.


Bookings are currently closed for this event. Please contact the event manager if you have any questions.