Emerald Bay Summer Camp (Deposit)


07/06/2019 - 07/13/2019    
All Day


Bookings closed


Emerald Bay - Catalina Islands
1 Cove Road, Avalon, CA, 90704

Event Type

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Emerald Bay, located on the undeveloped West End of Catalina Island, enjoys unparalleled access to the natural gems of Catalina’s singular ecosystem. The secluded beaches and coves that surround us boast world-renowned snorkeling and diving, frequently counted among the top ten destinations in the world. For the terrestrial naturalists, the hiking trails that radiate from our camp provide the perfect opportunity to spot the endemic Catalina Island Fox or the famously anachronistic Bison. This well-preserved environment, under the care of the Catalina Island Conservancy, provides a uniquely accurate window into the natural history of California.

  • Sign up for this event and pay the deposit now. We will set up another event later for paying the balance amount.
  • Cost
    • $200 deposit to be  paid with this sign-up ($206 if paying with PayPal).
    • Total cost is estimated to be $800.  Balance will be due sometime in March 2019.

Forms (http://campemeraldbay.org/emerald-bay/scoutmaster-information)

  • https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-001_ABC.pdf  – Medical form required for each participant Adult and Youth including Part C.
  • http://campemeraldbay.org/system/files/emeraldbay/EB-Attendance-Roster-Ship-Manifest_R12-06-12.pdf – Roster.  This will be filled out and completed by the Scoutmaster.
  • http://www.campemeraldbay.org/system/files/emeraldbay/WLACC%20Pre-Camp%20Liability%20Form%20-%20Adult%20Final.pdf – Adult Release and Indemnification.
  • http://campemeraldbay.org/system/files/emeraldbay/2017-Shooting-Release-Form.pdf – FireArms Release form.
  •  http://campemeraldbay.org/system/files/emeraldbay/2018%20WLACC%20Youth%20Permission%20Form.pdf – Youth Release and Indemnification
  • http://bsa-la.doubleknot.com/registration/calendardetail.aspx?ActivityKey=2352522&OrgKey=295 – TShirt Pre-order form



Bookings are currently closed for this event. Please contact the event manager if you have any questions.